Facilitation Training

Skilled facilitators know how to bring out the best in people. They can design gatherings that get results, while their presence, confidence, and innate understanding of participants set the tone and energy in the room. By drawing out and building upon their team members’ intellectual and social capital, skilled facilitators can help nurture creativity and innovation, transforming overall performance. Effective facilitation is a learned skill that can be taught and improved upon for leaders and coaches from a variety of backgrounds.

The underlying principle of this intensive training is that facilitation – the art of crafting gatherings and convenings – can transform the ways that people communicate with one another and work together. Great facilitators push people to think, act, and speak in new ways; they can nurture transformation in an organizational and leadership context. Skilled facilitators serve as catalysts for change – they “awaken, engage, and support” great leaders.

Our Facilitation Training Program is designed for managers and leadership coaches interested in developing and expanding their facilitation toolbox to enhance their work in group settings. It is also ideal for professionals working in settings where the ability to create meaningful and innovative convenings, trainings, and meetings will advance the mission and work of the organization or professional setting.

Experiential practicums
Technical skill building
Transformational approach
Customized feedback
Sharpen facilitation skills
More effective session crafting
Strengthen leadership presence
Develop new facilitation modalities